Hey everybody, Today I'll let you know about this " banana bread recipe " and i'm going to show you my favorite way to make it it's super moist and nutty so delicious. So let's get start. so first smash up about four to five bananas and then add a cup of white sugar and i like to add a cup of brown sugar too. then stir that all together and next we'll be adding a whole cup of butter my favorite kind of butter to use is the salted carry Gold butter comes in the gold package and then we're adding five large eggs and after that's all nice and stirred together and I like to use a whisk just to break up the eggs really well or I'm sorry break up the butter really well. We'll be adding our vanilla extract and my favorite ingredient the almond extract now I use about a tablespoon of each and next I had almond flour and that is what makes this " easy banana bread " so good most recipes for ban...
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